
Various patients treated mostly for large tumours in the Mpilo Central Hospital.

Large exulcerated parotid salivary cystadenocarcinoma.
Notice right ophthalmoplegia.
The tumor was removed. Neck was macroscopically clean. The wound was sutured primarily. However, the patient slowly went to a coma and passed away seven days after the operation.
Large bleeding, exulcerated, necrotic parotid tumor.
The tumor was removed. Neck was macroscopically clean. However, the patient succumbed several hours after the operation. Death was attributed to large preoperative and intraoperative loss of blood.
State after left hemimandibulectomy with exarticulation. Notice the deviation of the mandible to the left.
This patient had a large, exulcerated carcinoma of the retromolar trigone involving the inner face of the mandible and anterior tonsillar pillar and the tonsil. Notice a dexon suture that was inserted to appose the sides of the defect.
The patient was referred to postoperative radiotherapy and re-appeared several years later with a large recurrence involving the left parotid gland, the defect after left hemimandibulectomy, extending to the left buccal sulcus. Radical parotidectomy was performed but the patient developed a recurrence after several months with brain involvement. He was lost from the follow-ups - presumed dead.
State after the removal of a left zygomatic and lower palpebral tumor. Notice the prominent scar and the ectropion.
Carcinoma destructing the nose and extending per continuitatem to the upper lip and submandibular regions on both sides.
Debulking was done and the patient was referred for radical radiotherapy. He passed away after several weeks and the cause of death was never reliably established. No distant metastases and other diseases were found on post mortem.
Large exulcerated necrotic carcinoma destroying the body of the mandible on the left side.
The tumor was removed and only very narrow and thin piece of the cortical bone was left on the lower mandibular edge to preserve the space.
The wound was closed primarily with one neck flap closing the postoperative defect while the other closed the defect after elevation of the first flap. The patient was irradiated, attended regularly follow-ups and does not have any signs of local recurrences or distal metastases.
Epulis - gigantocellular mandibular tumor. Removed with a blade and a cautery and the defect left to granulate per secundam intentionem.
The patient had a history of undergoing an orbital enucleation due to a long-standing infection.
Carcinoma was removed from the orbital defect and something that looked like a shrunken eyeball.
It is unknown where the previous operation was done and what was the histology.
The patient was referred for radical radiotherapy.
However, she did not complete the radiotherapy and did not attend follow-ups.
Several weeks later she appeared with a recurrence in the temporal region. She refused all further management and is presumed dead.
Parotid tumor. A biopsy (sic!!!) was done in a missionary hospital in rural areas.
Since the histology was a cystadenocarcinoma a partial parotidectomy was done. Operation lasted at least one hour longer because the scar and the skin surrounding it had to be dissected with the parotid.
CT scan showed a tumefaction in the upper nose, ethmoid and frontal sinuses, and a fist-size lesion in the anterior lobe.
During the initial operation huge black masses were removed through an external rhinotomy approach. Subsequently, the neurosurgeon removed the brain tumor.
Histology: Blastomycosis.
Maxillary sarcoma.
Total maxillectomy was done.
Maxillary sarcoma.
Total maxillectomy was done.
The patient did not appear for follow-ups.
Six months later he appeared with even bigger tumor.
Another extended maxillectomy was done.
The patient did not appear after that and is presumed dead.
Total laryngectomy was done for laryngeal carcinoma. Pharyngeal fistula.
Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
Clinical-Hospital Center Zemun, Belgrade.
Fistula was closed with the Ariyan's
myocutaneous flap.
Bakamjian's deltopectoral flap was elevated
to facilitate elevation of the Ariyan's flap and to preserve it for possible future use.
In the immediate postoperative course the flap showed signs of venous stasis so the patient underwent a course of hyperbaric oxygenation.
Terminal stage of the laryngeal carcinoma. Local peristomal recurrence, pharyngeal fistula with a gastric tube in place.
Undergoing radiotherapy.
Radiotherapy was unsuccessful. The tumor did not show any signs of regression. The patient was referred to chemotherapy but without a favorable response.
A newborn infant in the incubator in ICU. Succumbed during the first week.
Ameloblastoma before the first operation.
One year later the patient was again operated on for recurrence. Subsequently, the maxillofacial surgeon did a hemimandibulectomy approximately two years after the first operation.
Carotid body tumor - chemodectoma. The patient was HIV positive and had a small child. Therefore, only an observation was done.
Osteofibroma. 10-years history.
The patient was functioning normally.
She used to cover her face with a scarf.
She did not give any explanation why she did not visit the doctor for such a long time.
However, numerous scars on the skin above the tumor imply that she was treated by a natural healer.
Major problem was intubation which was achieved successfully by the anaesthesiologist.
No further cosmetic intervention was deemed necessary.
Incomplete cleft lip.
Millard I operation.
Bilateral cleft lip.
Millard I operation was done on one side.
And then on the other side.
Maxillary carcinoma.
Subtotal maxillectomy was done.
Parotid abscess.
Drainage was done through a parotidectomy incision.
Obvious improvement after surgery and systemic antibiotics.
No further intervention was necessary.
Incipient noma.
Fully-developed noma.
Partial avulsion of the auricle sustained in a road traffic accident.
Secondary suture was done with excellent results.
Zygomatic abscess.
Resolved after drainage and systemic antibiotics.
Carcinoma of the nose.
At initial presentation the nose was already almost completely destroyed by the tumor.
Basically, only a completion amputation was done. First recurrence appeared after 14 months and was duly removed. Since then, during some 7 years, the patient underwent several removals of local recurrences.
CT showed bone formation in the lateral floor of the anterior cranial fossa and upper and lateral bony orbital walls.
The patient was referred to Harare for further management.
Mastoid abscess.
Cortical mastoidectomy was done and systemic antibiotics given.
Full recovery ensured as expected.
Saddle bag shaped fibroma on the nasal bridge.
Management was delayed because a possibility of a meningo- or encephalocele could not be ruled out in another institution.
Zygomatic abscess.
Exulcerated necrotic parotid tumor.
Histology: cystadenocarcinoma.
Parotidectomy was done.
Ludwig's angina.
Almost fully recovered with large doses of IV antibiotics.
Defect of the nasal ala inflicted by human bite.
The patient was dressed regularly with Betadine.
The ensuing scar was barely noticeably so further treatment was unnecessary.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma with bilateral neck metastases.
Since the patient was pregnant radiotherapy was postponed after delivery.
Response to radiotherapy was minimal. Presumed dead.
Laryngeal carcinoma.
Necrosis after total laryngectomy and radical postoperative radiotherapy.
Laryngeal carcinoma.
Large defect after surgery and radiotherapy.
Laryngeal carcinoma.
Peristomal recurrence.
Laryngeal carcinoma.
Pharyngeal fistula.
Laryngeal carcinoma.
Pharyngeal fistula.
Laryngeal carcinoma.
Larynx with tumor removed.
This tumefaction resembled ameloblastoma.
Several biopsies were inconclusive.
During operation major bleeding from the base of the skull was arrested only with several packets of bone wax.
Wound secernation was present for several years after the operation.
Re-operation was not done due to fear of another bleeding.
"Dirty" wound with defect of the upper lip.
The wounds was dressed with Betadine regularly during several days.
Finally, a debridement was done. Reconstruction was performed with a transposition flap from one side of the nose and rotation flap from the other.
Upper lip is now elongated because too much tissue was transposed in the defect.
Parotid cystadenocarcinoma.
Parotidectomy was done.
Submandibular cystadenocarcinoma.
Radical exenteration was done on at least three occasions in the last seven years.
Another very suspicious lymph node appeared in the buccal region.
However, the patient refused any further management.
Large exulcerated submandibular salivary tumor.
The patient was subsequently operated on. Macroscopically the neck was cleaned of tumor. However, the patient did not appear for reviews and several months later came with an inoperable neck recurrence and subsequently passed away.
Notice scars after scarifications done by a traditional healer.

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This page last updated on 17/03/01